January 31, 2008

Adding Parenthesis to a Diffuser Tag

Adding Parenthesis to a Diffuser Tag and Removing the CFM

A question was asked on the Revit MEP discussion group on how to remove the CFM suffix from a diffuser tag and add parenthesis to match company standard.

As you all know I like to create videos to better show how to do something in Revit MEP. So here yet again is another video. Please see the attached video on how to create these tags. This is the workaround I have come up with.

Autodesk may actually have a solution, however at this time I do not believe they do. Would be nice to include this in a future release under "project units"

Note: You will need to create a tag for CFM that contain 2, 3, 4 etc zeros. example (xx) (xxx) (xxxx). I show this in the video.  This is the old way of creating parenthesis, now with 2010 and 2011 it’s a lot easier.



Adding Ceiling Grid in Linked Model

Adding Ceiling Grid in Linked Model

The Setup:

My attached video will show you how to turn off the Architects ceiling grid and place your own ceiling grid in your Revit MEP model.

You see Architects don't always place the ceiling grid in the spot the Electrical designer would like, and the problem with linking in an Architects model is that you can't copy/monitor the ceiling grid in Revit MEP allow you to manipulate the placement of the ceiling grid.

In the video I will show you how to do just that, so you have more flexibility and can make sure the ceiling grid is set to your proper designs. This also makes things easier when placing Air Terminals and Lighting Fixtures in your views, as you can snap to the grid.

Make note that the MEP firm and the Architect should coordinate who is in charge of the grid. I personal think the MEP firm should be and the Architect should update his model accordingly.

Hope this helps at least one person in the Revit MEP world.



January 23, 2008

Manipulating Project Browser by Building ID

Manipulating Project Browser by Building ID

I was browsing once again on the discussion groups, the place I find many of my questions answered and look forward to helping others. One of the members had asked a question on creating Building ID's for the project browser in Revit and having Revit MEP sort by the Building ID.

I have created a video on creating the building ID which I call a sub-sub-discipline, you can call it what you like. So sit back relax and watch my video on sorting project browser by building ID.


January 22, 2008

Creating Pipe Abbreviation Tag

Creating a Pipe Abbreviation Tag

This post will show you how to create a pipe abbreviation tag in Revit MEP. I have created a video on how to do this. I feel videos are a great way to get the point across with minimal text and creating a step by step guide.

I have sent this to users on the discussion groups and have had positive feedback, I hope this will help others looking for the same feature.


January 21, 2008

Revit 2008 Worksharing Monitor

Revit 2008 Worksharing Monitor - Subscription Customers Only

The Worksharing Monitor facilitates the use of Revit software in a worksharing environment, in which multiple people work on one project. For workshared projects, the Worksharing Monitor answers questions like the following:

• Who is currently working on this project?
• Is my local copy of the project up to date?
• When will my Save to Central operation finish?
• Has my request to borrow elements been granted?
• Are any issues interfering with my work on a Revit project?

Note: The Worksharing Monitor is not useful for standalone Revit projects, which do not use worksharing to divide the work for a project among several people.

To install and run Worksharing Monitor for Revit 2008, you need to have at least one product from the Revit 2008 product family installed on your computer. You must have a 2008 version installed, with SP2 or SP3 (also known as WU or web updates). Available products include:

• Revit® Architecture 2008, SP2 or SP3
• Revit® Structure 2008, SP2 or SP3
• Revit® MEP 2008, SP2 or SP3